Lengling No 1 – El Pasajero 50ml

Lengling No 1 – El Pasajero 50ml

1,040.00 د.إ (incl. 5% VAT)

Notes: Fucus absolue, ambra,hedion, galbanum, transparent aquatic notes, Magnolia, vanilla, osmanthus absolue, benzoin

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SKU: 401066 Categories: ,

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Sparkling like a diamond; so wild yet so serene. I could still feel the afterglow on my skin as my eyes drank in the breath-taking beauty of the starlit sky. Listening to conversations about the bigger picture I contemplated the fragrance embracing my body, swayed by the perfection of the moment. I wanted to hold on to the feeling and keep it forever, yet I knew that it could only be perfect if I allowed it to pass. I’m a permanent passenger on a journey to discover moments that defy words. Moments whose beauty is translated into longing the very second we become aware of them.

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